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Container Yard

Automating end-to-end process

The Challenge


Issues with system automation, resulting in time-consuming, manual entry for verification of cargo with Customs. 


Our Solution


Automated terminal custom declaration with an end-to-end data integration process using end-points. This eliminated the need for manual entry and resulted in a seamless verification process with the error rate reduced to 0.1%.


Client Benefits


  • Eliminated the need for manual entry of cargo into Customs portal 

  • Reconciliation and cross-check with manual custom clearance documentation 

  • 30-minute reduction time for import/export cargo clearance 

Container park

Automated booking system

The Challenge


Handling of container pick-up and drop-off was a bottle neck at empty park entry points. Operators had no ability to forecast
pick-up and drop-off of the empty boxes at their parks, leaving them unable to plan stock for the next of couple of weeks 


Our Solution 


Booking system developed, including an appointment system to forecast, plan resources and equipment in advance.


Client Benefits


  • Reduced bottleneck / congestions at empty park entry point

  • Reduced turnaround time of the hauliers for pick-up and drop-off 

  • Ability to manage stock efficiently 

  • Equipment / resources planned efficiently 

  • Provision of world-class services to shipping line operators 

Automated System Deployment

The Challenge


Software environment needed to be deployed to multiple platforms (cloud based, local and mobile) with different architecture. The environment on each platform is slightly different from one and other.  The manual deployment process is very time consuming and error inducing.
Our Solution


Developed a cross platform deployment solution to deploy all platform simultaneously. The solution utilises in house developed software for auto configuration, as well as automatic deployment of the containerised environment across all platforms, in a time efficient and accurate manner. 


Client Benefits


  • Time required to deploy the software reduced significantly. 

  • More accurate process which leads to error free deployments. 

  • Reduced operational cost.  

Automated System Deployment
Image by Andrey Metelev

Machine Learning Based Power Flow Optimisation

The Challenge


Embedded network operators (private reseller of electricity in residential buildings/community) want to optimise buy in price to achieve lowest operational cost for electricity.
Our Solution


Created an optimisation program which integrates a recurrent neural network and an optimisation algorithm to predict and decide on electricity import/export to/from the embedded network.  
The program utilises a recurrent neural network to study daily power usage patterns of individual households and make predictions on power usage of the community based on time. 
The optimisation algorithm will make decisions based on the predicted power consumption and will maximise renewable energy usage as well as buy in electricity at a low price point to ensure users in the embedded networks with the best electricity unit rate. 


Client Benefits


•  Achieve lowest buying price for electricity
•  Maximise renewable energy usage
•  Higher customer satisfaction rate
•  Reduced operational cost for operator. 

Machine Learning Based Power Flow Optimisation
Image by Kirill Sh

IoT Sensor System

The Challenge


Building automation systems are required in commercial buildings in Australia for energy saving, comfort increment, and building regulation compliance. 
Our Solution


Electric circuitry design for building automation systems and integrate distributed intelligent sensors and actuators network into a complete building automations system for automatic HVAC, vertical transportation, security, lighting, power control. 


Client Benefits


  • Optimised energy usage

  • Increase in comfort.

  • Regulation and code compliant.

IoT Sensor System
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